Common font of knowledge | Defining what we all know on Blog#42
I was surprised, as I set out to find the best possible definition for "font or fount of knowledge" on the great interwebs to find that... there is none! **
Knowledge is one of the topics in the disciplines in philosophy, specifically social ethics and logic. From Stanford's Encyclopedia of Philosophy:
Common knowledge is a phenomenon which underwrites much of social life. In order to communicate or otherwise coordinate their behavior successfully, individuals typically require mutual or common understandings or background knowledge. Indeed, if a particular interaction results in “failure”, the usual explanation for this is that the agents involved did not have the common knowledge that would have resulted in success. If a married couple are separated in a department store, they stand a good chance of finding one another because their common knowledge of each others' tastes and experiences leads them each to look for the other in a part of the store both know that both would tend to frequent. Since the spouses both love cappuccino, each expects the other to go to the coffee bar, and they find one another. But in a less happy case, if a pedestrian causes a minor traffic jam by crossing against a red light, she explains her mistake as the result of her not noticing, and therefore not knowing, the status of the traffic signal that all the motorists knew. The spouses coordinate successfully given their common knowledge, while the pedestrian and the motorists miscoordinate as the result of a breakdown in common knowledge.
Given the importance of common knowledge in social interactions, it is remarkable that only quite recently have philosophers and social scientists attempted to analyze the concept. David Hume (1740) was perhaps the first to make explicit reference to the role of mutual knowledge in coordination. In his account of convention in A Treatise of Human Nature, Hume argued that a necessary condition for coordinated activity was that agents all know what behavior to expect from one another. Without the requisite mutual knowledge, Hume maintained, mutually beneficial social conventions would disappear.
Source: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy | Common Knowldege
Note: It is interesting to report that in looking for a definition for a term that is a part of common knowledge, I've yet to find a dictionary or Wiki definition, when the terms "common font of knowledge," "common fund of knowledge," are routinely used in education and medical literature.
We can credit David Kellogg Lewis, first, for the concept of common knowledge as it is being applied in the present day, and then other philosophers, including Margaret Gilbert, for very important works on this topic, including this paper, Mutual Recognition, Common Knowledge, and Joint Attention.
Since I have a personal interest in philosophy, I will come back to this topic at a later time and write a proper essay.
I leave you with a lecture by David Lewis in Australia.
** The Columbia Journalism Review published something close in 2020…